Ten minutes with your Toddler - Ft Polk Newborn Photographer

June 19, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

SESSION DETAILS: 10 minutes, 10 photos included, $125 - Date July 10th.

Everyone knows I love babies. I have a newborn photography studio in my home in Leesville (just north of fort Polk). I photograph newborn babies because they change and grow so quickly, every week they grow more and more!

Emma with a magic wand, Leesville newborn photographerSweet Rose Fort Polk PhotographerFort Polk Newborn Photographer

But let's take a moment, step back from newborns for a moment. I have two children. Neither is a newborn baby anymore. One is a toddler at 1 1/2 years, and one is a preschooler with a wild imagination.  I have been so busy photographing newborns lately that I forgot to point the camera at them. When I did, I realized just how much they had changed in the last 4 months... and thus, Ten Minutes with your Toddler was born.

Fort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn Photographer

This is a really quick session designed to capture your child as he or she is now. Right now in this moment. How does it work? 10 minutes isn't enough time for them to sit and say CHEESE! ... this isn't that kind of session. Look at these beautiful photographs all over this post. All of these images were captured within 10 minutes of playing with these kids. Mom making child laugh. Pulling out the best stops.

Fort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn Photographer

I handed Emma a stick, and she loves dressing up by wrapping things around her. We put some fabric on her, put a flower on her head, and voila, she was turning things into things in the back yard. 

Fort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn Photographer

Mama C knew if we gave her 2 1/2 year old a seat, she would sit on it, and then to make her laugh, I actually have no idea what she did because I was focused on K, LAUGHING at her mom, then dancing around, making her dress swirl. 

Fort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn Photographer

Let's capture how your child is now, how they laugh, how they look at you, how they REALLY smile. Not a cheese. A smile.

Because aren't they only this small for a little while?

Fort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn PhotographerFort Polk Newborn Photographer


VISIT ME ON FACEBOOK To view the promotional image collage, 12 images from K's 10 minute session!


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