Cake Smash Session
It's gone too quickly, your beautiful tiny baby is now a toddler. Oh how he's changed! One minute, relying on you for every waking need, and the next, crawling, walking, and feeding himself. She's wiggling out of your arms, giving wide open mouth kisses, snuggles, experiencing a range of emotions and loves laughter.
Let's celebrate the amazing change the first year of life has brought to your family! We'll snuggle up for a family photo or two, give mom and dad a big hug each, and then celebrate life with a beautiful, fun, exciting and messy cake smash. We'll end the whole thing by rinsing off in a tiny splash tub, on top of the cake mess!
Your customizable cake smash set is provided by sweet rose, through a coordinated effort with you, mom and dad! We'll discuss and choose the right theme, colors, and set just for you. You'll shop for your baby's perfect outfit and cake to bring with you!
Your fun cake smash session produces 30 beautifully finished images in an online gallery, for you to print, share, and download for your own personal use.
Scroll down for a quick tips cake smash preparation, and select BOOK NOW to reserve your cake smash date!

Cake Smash Preparation & Tips
- Practice. I cannot stress this enough! Starting a week (or two!) before the smash, let your child make MESSES! Get tiny practice cup cakes from Walmart or Fred's or whatever(those bite-size ones are great!) and let your little one try them over and over. They'll be able to feel and get used to frosting, sweet taste, cake, new textures, and most importantly, getting messyyyyyy!
- Test foods that will be used for allergies. Cakes are full of ingredients, and many times, more than one of the top 8. Dairy, Wheat, Eggs, many products that could also be cross-contaminated. You bring the cake, and are responsible for the safety of your child during your cake smash session! Please test all foods out prior to the cake smash.
- Practice with frosting. Did I say this once before? It's that important! Babies don't naturally love frosting or the texture!
- Bring a change of clothes for YOU and your kiddo! I wear sweats and worn out clothes to cake smashes. Frosting gets EVERYWHERE.
- Buttercream and WHIPPED frosting works the best in cake smashes. Avoid fondant.
- Chocolate frosting looks like poop smears.
- Dark/bright blue, red and black frosting stains.
- Bring extra wipes.
- I have towels, and wipes, and trash bags available for after the splash and smash!
- Family photos are FIRST. Before the mess.
- It's ok if the baby cries - this happens a lot. Not every baby loves cake. We'll do our very best to get the happiest photos possible during your smash! Relax, be prepared to redirect baby a lot. I have tons of patience, and schedule plenty of time to allow for breaks.
- I recommend having the little cardboard the cake is on cut to the size of the cake before the smash.